
For a small city, Salem, Massachusetts has a ridiculous amount of restaurants. With over a million hungry tourists visiting every year, the Salem restaurant scene compares favorably to Rome, Paris, New Orleans, and other culinary capitals of the world. Sadly, the Michelin guide does not cover Salem, leaving many tourists wondering “which is the best burger in Salem?”

While “Stoned in Salem” tee shirts and black felt witch hats are easy to find, trustworthy recommendations on burgers are a little harder. That’s where we come in: locals, who eat out a lot, usually getting burgers, telling you which burger in Salem is the best.

The Rating System

The burger rating is exclusively about the quality and taste of the burger (with a little fry booster). While we may comment on price, service, or ambiance, those factors have no bearing on the burger rating itself. Does this give an advantage to expensive burgers? Sure.

  • 1 = inedible; might go cry in the bathroom
  • 2 = meh; not worth the calories or money
  • 3 = decent; the completely average burger
  • 4 = good; tasty, well made and well executed
  • 5 = excellent; elevated in some way
  • 6 = legendary; a delicious, unique, special burger

The Qualifications

Our pledge at Witch Burger Salem is to (eventually) sample every burger in the 01970. We’ll start downtown and work our way outwards. Yes, that means we’ll be getting burgers at fish places and eating at the dirtiest Wendy’s known to man.

In general we’ll hit the burger specials whenever we can, and we’ll probably get whatever is considered the signature burger. For consistency’s sake we will also make sure to drink at least two beers during each burger evaluation. In the name of science, obviously.

The Search Continues…

The historic city of Salem, Massachusetts is best known for the infamous Witch Trials of 1692. Less well known is the fact that Salem’s most favorite son, famed American author Nathaniel Hawthorne, is considered by many to be the inventor of the hamburger.

We’ve decided to honor Hawthorne’s legacy with a search for Salem’s finest burger. Over a million people visit Salem each year and they all ask the same question – “where’s the legal weed shop?” – and then they look for a great burger. Well, look no further, as we’ve already done the looking for you.